
At DVT, we run regular online events focused on the latest technology trends within the IT industry and invite guest speakers to share their knowledge and insights on various topics. The DVT Insights Events aim to enlighten you, educate you and often, provide a new view on a burning issue within the technology space.

What is your Agile Software Persona?

Published in Agile
Tuesday, 31 May 2016 08:03

Getting to grips with the Agile mindset

Published in Agile
Monday, 29 February 2016 06:53

Agile Software Transformation Part 3: The end is the beginning

Published in Agile
Monday, 15 February 2016 22:24
Problematically, as with any journey, the beginnings and the ends tend to carry an inordinate amount of perceived value. If you invest too much planning in the beginning, chances are most of it will be wasteful, because things invariably change along the way. You’ll want just enough planning to get you started, and then recalibrate along the way.

DVT backs start-up Swarm Loyalty

Published in Mobile Loyalty App
Tuesday, 10 November 2015 23:00

Cape Town-based Swarm Loyalty, a developer of mobile loyalty card and customer marketing applications, has secured financial backing, business development and technical architecture direction from IT venture capital consortium, DVT.

CloudSmiths, a South African SalesForce specialist and part of the DVT Group, is merging with one of South Africa's leading Gold Salesforce Consulting Partners, Ideas Incorporated (Ideas Inc).

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