
At DVT, we run regular online events focused on the latest technology trends within the IT industry and invite guest speakers to share their knowledge and insights on various topics. The DVT Insights Events aim to enlighten you, educate you and often, provide a new view on a burning issue within the technology space.

JUnit test post-login code | Websphere Application Server 7+

Published in Java
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 15:20

Let’s talk software development and coding. Quite recently I wrote a WAS 7 utility that needed to access the JEE security Subject (read more on JEE Security) and its private credentials. The project, an auditing tool, accesses the Subject via IBM's WSSubject feature and uses some of its methods.

Tips to make Microservices Architecture a Success

Published in Java
Friday, 25 September 2015 16:12

Coding Tips: Make a JSR 286 Portlet work with AngularJS in WS Portal

Published in Java
Wednesday, 09 September 2015 08:42

In this article I'm going to offer some software coding advice and demonstrate how to create a simple portlet, add angularJS, and make an ajax call to post some JSON to our portlet. We will therefore use our portlet as a simple REST-like service so we can call in to our backend.

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