
At DVT, we run regular online events focused on the latest technology trends within the IT industry and invite guest speakers to share their knowledge and insights on various topics. The DVT Insights Events aim to enlighten you, educate you and often, provide a new view on a burning issue within the technology space.

Can working from home become the new norm for Agile teams?

Published in Agile
Wednesday, 17 June 2020 14:46
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced far-reaching changes in the workplace, not least of which is the almost universal requirement to work from home.
As an iOS developer intern participating in the DVT graduate programme, we have a lot to learn. We spent the first three months working on our own personal projects which were exciting. The personal projects came from ideas we each thought of and hoped to make something out of, but we did not just jump into them. Within the programme, we were taught many things in workshops, discussions and articles from which we could draw useful and relevant experiences and skills for our personal projects.
In this article, we are going to look at the role of a business analyst in an agile environment and understand how different it is.

Navigating Wobbles in Implementing Agile Transformation

Published in Agile
Monday, 10 February 2020 11:34
Overcoming Roadblocks in the Agile Transformation Process. Identify Symptoms, Find the Fix, Avoid Stagnation, and Take the Lead Today!

Eight Proven Steps to Successful Agile Leadership

Published in Agile
Wednesday, 31 July 2019 12:28
Agile leadership allows the discomfort of being vulnerable and transparent, earning the respect of followers by not leading from a distance.