Mastering the complexities of software quality assurance (SQA) involves a long-term process of training, review and knowledge sharing.
DVT has been appointed a value-added reseller for Axosoft’s OnTime project management software for Agile and scrum software development. The deal was signed early in February 2013, and makes DVT the first OnTime reseller in Africa.
Software development company DVT sponsored the latest SUGSA (Scrum User Group of South Africa) event, titled “Agile Anti-Patterns”, held in Cape Town on 7 March, 2013.
Software development company DVT will host two three-day training sessions in May on how to implement Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). The training is aimed at IT management wanting to adopt agile, experienced IT professionals wanting to adopt disciplined agile strategies, and experienced agilists wanting to increase their understanding of DAD.